32. The Evolution of Local Universes 33. Administration of the Local Universe 34. The Local Universe Mother Spirit 35. The Local Universe Sons of God 36. The Life Carriers 37. Personalities of the Local Universe 38. Ministering Spirits of the Local Universe 39. The Seraphic Hosts 40. The Ascending Sons of God 41. Physical Aspects of the Local Universe 42. Energy–Mind and Matter 43. The Constellations 44. The Celestial Artisans | 45. The Local System Administration 46. The Local System Headquarters 47. The Seven Mansion Worlds 48. The Morontia Life 49. The Inhabited Worlds 50. The Planetary Princes 51. The Planetary Adams 52. Planetary Mortal Epochs 53. The Lucifer Rebellion 54. Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion 55. The Spheres of Light and Life 56. Universal Unity |